From time to time you may receive store credit to your account. Store credit may be given for a number of reasons - for example we may have issued it to you as part of a promotion or because you've agreed to receive store credit instead of a refund to your credit card or paypal account.*
To see your store credits
You must be logged in to your account to see your store credits. Go to "my account" and click on "store credit and refund" a. Now you can see your store credit balance.
To redeem store credit
You must be logged in to redeem store credit. You will be able to redeem your store credit during the checkout process. Just follow the below steps:
1. put the products you wish to buy in your cart
2. click on the " checkout" button.
Note 1: unfortunately the store credit doesn't show on this page, but don't worry, you'll get to select it on the next page
3. Once you have clicked on "proceed to checkout" as outlined above, you will be taken to the next page in the checkout process. On this page complete details such as your address, shipping and payment method then scroll to the bottom of page and click on "use store credit"
The total price higher up on the page will now show that the store credit has been applied
If you have any problems, just contact our customer service team and they'll be happy to help.
* store credit issue, storage and redemption is government by our Terms of Service. To read more, click here.