To keep our prices down, our products are shipped from outside the USA. More than 61% of our orders leave our warehouse within 2 business days and 99% are dispatched within 5 business days of being placed on our site. 

The average time from order to delivery is 10.8 business days with 47% of orders arriving in 10 business days or less and 98.5% of orders arriving within 15 business days or less. Actual delivery time to our customers varies and depends on processing time by the postal services. Sometimes orders may be delayed due to reasons such as processing time by customs or at peak times such as during holiday season. Unfortunately once an order is shipped we have no control over these delays.

If you have not received a dispatch confirmation email within 5 business days of placing your order please check that the email has not been stopped by a spam filter. If you can’t locate  the dispatch confirmation email please call our customer service center or email

You can track the progress of your order using the tracking number we provide you in your dispatch confirmation email. Using that tracking number you can see the progress of your order and anticipated delivery date.  If the order does not arrive by the anticipated delivery date given by the delivery company, you should lodge a query with that company. The delivery company’s contact details will be on the tracking page we send you. 


In the unlikely event that the delivery company advises that your order is lost in transit, or if it arrives damaged or broken  it is covered by Our Guarantee.

Please ensure that there is a safe and secure place for our delivery partners to leave your parcel. We accept no responsibility for  and will not give any refund for orders which are lost, stolen, damaged or misplaced once delivered to your address